Courtroom Rules/Instructions

  • No food or drinks in the Courtroom.
  • Hats must be removed prior to entering the Courtroom.
  • Shirts and shoes must be worn; shorts and swimwear are not permitted. This is considered inappropriate attire for the Courtroom, and you will be required to change clothes. This may require that your Court date be rescheduled.
  • The use of wireless communication devices, cell phones, personal digital assistants (PDA’s), as well as cameras, recording, reproducing or transmitting equipment in the Courtroom, hearing room and/or jury room is strictly prohibited. Any such device usage in violation of this rule is subject to forfeiture.
  • Anyone entering or within the Lebanon Municipal Court or any other spaces or locations which may be used for Court business shall be subject to search (of the individual’s person and bags, briefcases and valises, and hand-carried items) for any firearm, knife or hazardous substance capable of inflicting death or injury. Uniform Trial Court Rule 6.180