Lebanon Water Quality Update

The City of Lebanon would like to assure citizens our drinking water is safe for consumption. We are aware there is currently a discoloration in the city water supply.

As always, our staff is working around the clock to ensure our drinking water continues to be safe for our citizens. Officials are also working on a resolution for this issue, but in the meantime, we will keep citizens informed weekly of our water sample results.

Annual Water Quality Reporting 

Lebanon's drinking water is tested frequently and the results can be found in the Consumer Confidence Reports. Current information regarding our Lebanon Water Treatment plant can be found here and all previous water quality reports can be accessed here

Current Water Sample Results

Week of March 28, 2024 through April 3, 2024

Finish Chlorine


(> 0.20 mg/L)*


(< 4.00 mg/L)*


(~ 1.00 mg/L)*
0.63 1.26 0.92
Finish pH


(> 7.00 pH)*


(< 9.00 pH)*
7.59 8.07 7.88
Raw Water Turbidity
Min Max Average
5 11 7
Finish Water Turbidity


(.100 NTU)*
0.012 0.057 0.028
* These numbers represent Oregon Health Authority guidelines for sample requirements per Oregon Administrative Rules OAR 333-061-0335 and OAR 333-061-0330 which can be found here



Finish Chlorine: Chlorine level of finished water being distributed
Finish pH: pH level of finished water being distributed
Finish Water Turbidity: Turbidity level of water being distributed 
pH: Power of hydrogen
Raw Water Turbidity: Turbidity of untreated South Santiam River water pulled from water intake 
Turbidity: Cloudiness of the water