Mobile Wireless Printing Instructions

To begin, you must have a valid email address and your item to print saved as a document in one of the following formats:

Excel, Power Point, Word, pdf, or a picture file

  1. Upload your document as an attachment to a new email.
  2. For black and white printing, send the email to The cost for black and white printing is $.10 per page.

    For color printing send to The cost for color printing is $.50 per page.

  3. An email will be sent back to you with a randomly generated, unique to you code. Please note, Patrons will receive only one unique code in a 24-hour period. If you send in more documents, you will use the same code.
  4. At our print release station, enter that code in as your station number. It will then display all the documents you’ve sent in.
  5. To release your documents, insert the money owed into the Print Release Terminal and click print on the items you want or print all. Do not push any buttons on the copier. The items will print automatically after you release them.